
I once had a family,
I once had standing,
I once had a mother,
I once had a community,
I once had a career,
I once had a dream,
I once had financial security,
I once had ambition,
I once believed in humanity.

What I see now is, mistrust, multiple stab wounds in my back, betrayal, dishonesty, fake community, poverty, lies, false idols and misguided loyalties.

Yet I still hold the faith, Shine my light and live in hope that my kind heart and drive to help others, the Animal Kingdom and humanity, will one day be rewarded and my plight to remain pure in an insane world will not have been in vain.

May all beings return to wholeness, to heal from their wounds and stand in the grace once again.


Mitakuye Oyasin. Namaste, Blessings. ❤🙏❤


Did You Ever know Your My Hero…

Did You Ever know Your My Hero…

Throughout our lives we have many ‘Hero’s’ people we look up to, aspire to be like, proud of etc etc…I have been blessed by so many amazing souls in my life I am truly grateful for each and every one, even the ones who are no longer with us on earth plane or no longer in our circles, are still held in my heart with love and gratitude.

Our Hero’s change with the passing of time, not replacing the old ones, they still remain an inspiration, a bar for us to aspire to. But time brings us new people and events that bring more opportunity for growth and learning. Personally I could write a book just on the people that I have actually known who have inspired me, let alone famous people.
My greatest hero now though is my Loui, he is just amazing. Next month will be a year since his tragic accident. This past 11months has been difficult to say the least. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially. But, for as much as my life has been turned upside down, bent sideways and caused so much anguish, he is the one who’s life has been affected the most. Loui was so active, psycho nut case, who just loved to run and run and run. Full of life, joy and mischief.
An active human would have given up, I know when my back went out in 2011 and I couldn’t walk for nearly a year and was in agony for 5years, I contemplated exiting this life on more than one occasion. They were the most alone years I have ever felt. Loui was my only constant companion, he made me laugh when days were bleak and gave me comfort when I couldn’t even speak.
Prior to that i was the life and soul of the party, huge social circle, my nickname for years was ‘Mad Maz’ because like Loui, I was pretty out there.
So you see I have an understanding of how helpless he feels, how useless he must feel now as his role as my body guard is reduced to a bark, how restricted he feels not being able to get up and even go to the toilet by himself.
But here he is, he has been to deaths door and turned away from it, he has suffered horrendous pain and despair, endured the pain of physio 3 times a day when he was still in pain, and fought against all odds to gain some mobility in his broken body and mind.
Loui was my saving grace when my back debilitated me, if it weren’t for him needing to go toilet and get exorcise I would probably still be paralysed myself.

But I had to take him out, even when I could hardly stand. Granted at first most days he was restricted to being let out in the garden (which he hated, refused to toilet) but once I could shuffle my feet I took him out, and on the days I couldn’t, my amazing friends helped where they could. Support is everything, even if just a little, it makes a huge difference! Loui saved my life, the least I could do was save his too.
So, to those who continue to tell me that I should have him put to sleep because I have no life or money. You will never understand the bond we have, the debt I owe him or the unconditional love we share. Yes there has been days when I regretted not putting him to sleep at the start, but, I also know that I could not have lived with myself and would not have been far behind him had I not given him the chance.
Loui is my Hero, he is the strongest being that I know and has taught me so much over the years, this last year being the most profound. He deserves all the love and support I can give him for the time he has left with me, he is my soul mate.
He continues to inspire me to live in the moment and to take simple pleasures where I can.
The song below is dedicated to all the people and fur babies who have helped, inspired and encouraged me throughout my life. ❤
Who is your hero and how have they influenced your life?

May you always blessed with Hero’s to remind you of the Hero within yourself.
Many Blessings
Maria. ❤

Deplete and Delete


My heart is breaking, it’s left me deplete,

Deplete of sleep,

of energy,

of Deep…


We can no longer reach,

Deplete of fear,

Deplete of pain,

Devoid of faith or hope ever again.

Humanity is deplete,

Time to hit Delete,

Deplete is our Mother.

of her Creations

that we reap,

Tis time,

Lets start a new elite,

A race of human where all are rich,

Rich in love



and Belief.



Mitakuye Oyasin


Digesting our 5 a Day…


Yesterday, while walking I was thinking about how we ‘feed’ our earthly bodies to provide it with fuel, vitamins and minerals to keep it healthy,  and how we exercise it to keep it strong and functional.  We know that if we slack off in any of these areas, then our bodies will deteriorate and illness will set it.

So what then of the other part of our bodies that we may not be aware of, such as our emotional, Mental and spiritual body, our Soul?

Though most may feel it is a separate entity and in a way it is, however, when in this earthly vehicle it is intimately woven into every fibre of our being, it is after all the life force that pumps our heart and lungs, in affect giving us life.

Our Spiritual or Etherical bodies then, also require the same mindful attention that we give our physical bodies. We must feed them, care for them, exercise them daily to maintain a healthy self.

How do we do this, when time for most people is an issue, how can we fit 5 more self care things to our daily routine ?

What are our 5 a day supplements for the soul?

Deprogramming our mental body creates a ripple affect throughout all of our spiritual and physical bodies, so it makes sense to focus there at the source. We do this by changing how we think and we do that by changing the language we use about our stories and in our daily conversations.

Daily Affirmations have been proven to bring about sustainable changes in peoples thinking which in turn changes how they feel about things and brings about physical healing as they release old programming and free up the energy blocks that held them in the loop of pain.

In my FB group I post a daily affirmation which many have commented on how they help them, but, is one affirmation a day enough to break down stubborn blocks?

Some people struggle with affirmations if it is too far out of their belief, for example: For someone who struggles with weight issues, repeating, ‘ I am slender and healthy’, when they can see/feel this is not so and far away from their ultimate goal, may not bring about results as they desire as their ego mind will step in with doubt.  By changing the wording slightly to, ‘I choose to make healthy choices daily’, we can appease the ego and changes begin to occur, confidence builds and before you know it the original mantra comes into play. 

One of my favourite sayings around affirmations is, ‘Fake it till you make it’.  Like with all programming, the more you are subjected to its vibration the more it embeds and overwrites the old programme.

Positive quotes have the same affect in a more subtle way, metaphor brings a sense of awareness without the ego going into defence mode.

Why not fast track, take that hose and super blast those neurons clean with 5 affirmations or positive quotes that stir your soul to reach its highest potential?


Here are 5 affirmations to try.

  1. I choose to forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them.
  2. I choose to be the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.
  3. Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.
  4. My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
  5. I am beyond reacting to negative thoughts and low actions.

And here are 5 Quotes to try

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.”  – Edith Wharton

“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” – Dr. Wayne W Dyer

“Today is a new beginning, a chance to turn your failures into achievements & your sorrows into so goods. No room for excuses.” – Joel Brown

“An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality.”  – Brian Tracy

“We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.” – Robin Sharma

As you read through these affirmations and quotes, sit with each one, repeat it out loud and inwardly.  How does it feel? What are your thoughts, feelings, memories, hopes?

What is your favourite affirmation or quote?

With Autumn comes the shedding of the old, to feast on its bounty and to prepare for new growth in the spring.

May the Equinoxal tides carry you towards the shore of your highest potential.


Mitakuye Oyasin



MWT. ❤

Trying to find the Strength to carry on.


No sleep again. Two nights in a row, awake and restless, like a panther in the snow. 

Stuck in this place of no where to turn and no one to help, on this physical plane, but,

With the Ancestors behind me,  spirit allies by my side and the wind flowing through me, echoing voices of advice.

Together we will find our way forward, through this mountain that stands in the way.

A crack appears and light seeps through, a ray of hope to light up the path.

The human spirit like an elastic band, contracts and expands, enduring more than most can stand.

If left unchecked one day it will break, and the soul set free, other world’s to partake.

Pray that this be the last major battle, for this old soul has had enough hurdles and heart ache. 

‘What will become of the crack and the light?’ I ask my guide.

Please let it expand and stretch, so that I may take flight, and flourish once more before my final journey, into the night.

With gratitude and faith in you I trust, for we are one and share one Love.


Mitakuye Oyasin

Conversation with My Shadow Self.



Did anyone notice the day I lost my smile?

Did anyone notice how tired I became?

Did anyone notice the darkness come in?

Or the rolling black clouds that seem to linger?

Does anyone remember the way I used to be?

Does anyone still see the real me?

What do you see, when you see me?

Does anyone care that my days are bleak

or that I wonder what use I am, with each passing week.

Who’s words are true and backed by their actions?

Who reached out a hand, to create a distraction?

Not one my friend, not one stands true.

All that’s left, is Me and You!’


February 2012