
I once had a family,
I once had standing,
I once had a mother,
I once had a community,
I once had a career,
I once had a dream,
I once had financial security,
I once had ambition,
I once believed in humanity.

What I see now is, mistrust, multiple stab wounds in my back, betrayal, dishonesty, fake community, poverty, lies, false idols and misguided loyalties.

Yet I still hold the faith, Shine my light and live in hope that my kind heart and drive to help others, the Animal Kingdom and humanity, will one day be rewarded and my plight to remain pure in an insane world will not have been in vain.

May all beings return to wholeness, to heal from their wounds and stand in the grace once again.


Mitakuye Oyasin. Namaste, Blessings. ❤🙏❤


Dancing To The Beat Of My Own Drum

Feel the beat, breathe the rhythm. Know within that all is forgiven. Release the tension, dance and sing, fill the air with dynamic flare. Bathe in the energy of tone and tempo, as vibes of joy begin to flow. Transport your mind along the wave as it washes through you with every bass. Draw upon the spirit of the drum, and soon you will be joined by the ancient ones. 💖

Yule Tide Blessings 2020

2020 the year of chaos, fear, manipulation, control and AWAKENINGS!

The Return of the Light.

Solstice on the 21st this year will bring a natural phenomena that we have not witnessed in 400 years. The great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. The union is already visible if you are lucky enough to have a clear night sky, and tomorrow evening at sunset they will be at the closest point at 0.1 degrees apart. These conjunctions happen every 20 years but none as close as this one, observable at least since 1226, and the next one wont be until March 15 2080.

We are living in auspicious times my friends. Forget what is playing out on the world stage right now by its leading puppets, check in with your heart, not your head. The world is awakening, people are rising up like never before and not just your common man but those who are witness first hand too.

Lets take a look at the numbers. 1226 ~ 11 ~ 0.01 ~ 2080 ~ 10 ~ ~11.11

The number 11 is a very powerful number by itself. What is meaningful is that this is seen by many as an indicator of an increasingly powerful ‘call to consciousness’ that is occurring all over our beloved planet. The depth of the 11:11 connection would appear to be synchronized to our level of awareness and understanding of how fundamental the connection that exists between the physical and spiritual worlds is. In Numerology the number 11 is a master number and represents inspiration, illumination, and spiritual enlightenment. 11:11 Gateway or Portal: the doorway between the 3rd dimensional and the 5th dimensional worlds. 11:11 presents you an opportunity to reflect on your spiritual purpose for being here. The number 11 is potent with ~ manifestation powers ~ So be sure to pay attention to your thoughts right now, thinking positive thoughts only, especially during this alignment, because it’s quite possible that just through the power of thought alone, you as an individual and us collectively, may create a new reality.

Interestingly, this alignment is associated with the star of David that led the 3 kings to baby Jesus in the bible. Which to me feels like we have come full circle, from a mind control system to a new/old way of being. A rebirth if you will of pre religion into a new age, the Age of Aquarius.

Jupiter and Saturn conjunction 21st December 2020

Gatherings are limited right now so celebrations of Yule may be stunted, but remember, we are all connected so no matter if you spend a few moments on quiet contemplation, around a fire, candle or simply within focusing on Gratitude, Peace, Unity, Health and Happiness. KNOW that a) YOU ARE A CONSCIOUS CREATOR and b) that your prayers/intentions will join the collective field of co creators, and together we WILL bring in the new dawn.

I will be holding fire ceremony and will hold you all in my prayers.

May the light return to your hearts and minds and flood the planet with ENLIGHTENMENT and FAITH in a New PARADIGM of Awakened beings.

Mitakuye Oyasin



Maria Wind Talker.

To Be Or Not To Be…

This is the big question…

Who are you when you are not being who others expect you to be?

Who do you become when others see that you are human, with all your failings and achievements?

Who do you become when you look in the mirror?

Who are you being when you interact with a stranger for the first time?

Who is the one being when you be?

Do you feel safe to simply be? To show YOU in all your colours?

Do you fear that others will judge or walk away if you truly step into being all of you, all of the time, 7 days a week?

Are those same people truly being all they can be?

Too often we change or adapt our true selves to fit in the boxes society puts us in, stamped and labelled for the world to see.

I say to you, step out of the box, wear it as a hat if you must till you feel comfortable being fully exposed and naked, but remove the label and replace it with, this is ME!

Then throw that box in the recycle bin and step into a new confidant you, the you you were always meant to be.

Shine your light so brightly that those pretending to be, have to close the lid on their boxes and those that are removing theirs can see they are not alone.

To be yourself in a world filled with pain is the bravest thing you can be.

Love you, all of you. No excuses, no blame, no regret, no shame.

Do not worry about those who fall away, one day they too shall remove their boxes of shame and find themselves once again.

Be the change by BEING your authentic self and loving every aspect of your magnificent, flawed, vibrant, unique self.

The world needs more honest communication and that starts with the conversation with self.


Mitakuye Oyasin





Mountains rise reaching to the sky but below the eye they touch the heart of our mother. Holding her flesh together like her bones.

The trees reach towards the sun, their roots travelling deep, far and wide, securing it’s magnificence to the surface. Like sinews holding everything in place.

The waters flow from the heavens, permeating deep to replenish under ground streams. Like the blood flowing through our veins.

Thunder booms in the sky while lighting hits the ground with a jolt so strong it can power a car. Like the force of the pump that beats our heart.

The wind blows from all directions, sometimes soft, sometimes hard. Blowing up tyres and sailing boats. Filling our lungs and bringing us life.

Oil comes up from the deepest parts and travels around our mother, clearing, lubricating. Like the blood pumping our heart.

The grass grows long, or short, dancing in the breeze, like a beacon for passers by, absorbing the dew and offering shade.  As our hair, connecting us to heaven and earth as a natural antenna and umbrella.

These are but a few ways of how we are all connected with nature, with each other.

As above so below, as without so within.

What we do to our planet we do to ourselves and vice versa.

Is your body your temple? Or Is the mountain? If you revere only one, then life is out of balance. For without one there is no other.

Take time to observe nature today and see how she is a reflection of you.

What can you change within yourself to change what you see out in the world?

Take action today, tomorrow is not guaranteed.


Mitakuye Oyasin




Lost Souls

Throughout my life I have been told that I’m too kind, generous and selfless. Like it’s a bad thing. They say I should think about myself more and be less giving because people take advantage and don’t care about me or help me when they can.

Now this may be true, but, that just shows who they are as people, and is not a reflection on me.

I just give people enough rope to hang themselves with then walk away.

If I have helped someone regardless of how they disrespect or disregard me, my heart is full knowing I did all I could with what I had to work with.

From what I can see in the world today, too many people only help if there is something in it for themselves. They become hardened by all the ungrateful, disrespect from their efforts to lead by example. Or simply are out for all they can get.

How then is the world meant to change? Or as I hear and say all too often, ‘go back to how it used to be’?

We must not become bitter at the unrecognition, the rejection, the disrespect, the lies and false promises. Nor succumb to the feelings of isolation that these people ignite within us.

We must recognize the gift they bring, the awareness of your own inner strength that in spite of others ignorance you have the ability to forgive the wounded child in front of you and love them anyway.

We the way showers may have chosen a difficult path but we must continue to hold the lantern up in the dark, so that others of like mind can find us. If we succumb to the darkness of our ego self then we will be lost forever in the sea of lost souls.

Mitakuye Oyasin




Shine on…

Enlightenment is not something one achieves, it is something intrinsic within each one of us.  Something so ancient that it is written in our DNA.
A star in the sky does not wait to reach its peak shininess to shine, it shines anyway, naturally, to light up the darkness.
And we, you, me, we are but stardust after all, particles of a billion suns.
So, there is nothing outside of ourselves to learn, we only need to remember.
Shine on, shine brightly from wherever you are or wherever you perceive yourself to be.
Remember that no matter how dark a place you may feel you are in, Black is a combination of a multitude of colours, including light. 😉
Mitakuye Oyasin
Stranger than science fiction…

Stranger than science fiction…

3 part project on “Exposing the secret governments and preparing for ET disclosure” – featuring Dr. Steven Greer and Bentinho Massaro.

Believe it or not, these videos will reveal some of the mechanics and behind the scenes-secrets of the actual sci-fi/fantasy movie that has always already been a/our reality.

Facts about the existence of UFO’s, extraterrestrial intelligence and classified (operational) “anti-gravity” and “free-energy” have been purposefully kept secret from the public for many decades.

Those who have been responsible, are rapidly losing their grip though. Its total demise is inevitable. Everything is already changing..

We invite you to step into your own power, into an entirely new type of reality. We encourage you to do so, confidently, by realizing YOU are the one creating it.

A New Story for Humanity


What if we had the power to change the story, and with this awareness, change the world?