
I once had a family,
I once had standing,
I once had a mother,
I once had a community,
I once had a career,
I once had a dream,
I once had financial security,
I once had ambition,
I once believed in humanity.

What I see now is, mistrust, multiple stab wounds in my back, betrayal, dishonesty, fake community, poverty, lies, false idols and misguided loyalties.

Yet I still hold the faith, Shine my light and live in hope that my kind heart and drive to help others, the Animal Kingdom and humanity, will one day be rewarded and my plight to remain pure in an insane world will not have been in vain.

May all beings return to wholeness, to heal from their wounds and stand in the grace once again.


Mitakuye Oyasin. Namaste, Blessings. ❤🙏❤


Mistakes, Regrets and Blessings

Where to start?

I moved to Cyprus in May to start a better life, 6 months in and it turns out to be my biggest mistake. 😦

Too much has gone on but in a nutshell. Loui didn’t fare well with the flight, he was traumatised by it and it took him nearly two months to get over it., we had a heatwave not seen in 30yrs that killed two people. My feet and legs swelled for two months and I couldn’t walk. I witnessed a man burn in a house fire, he died a week later. Finding part time work here is impossible. I started fostering kittens for a charity in July and that’s been a journey in itself. Will try blog about that another time.  I’ve been ripped off several times and my family have not bothered to visit me at all.

Then the final straw was when my Loui got run over and has ended up paralysed. 😢

You can read the details here and there is a link at the bottom on there to a FB page for him where I update on his progress.


You might be wondering how in all of this can u find anything to be grateful for?

I have met some amazing people along the way, without them, I could have never got through any of it.

The outpouring of help and support with Loui has been astounding. My friends in the UK have all contributed to Louis vet bills and check up on me most days to see how I am coping. People who I’ve only known as a name on FB have been so supportive too, not just financially but more importantly  (to me) with their prayers, positive words, advice and love.

To say I’m grateful doesn’t even cover it. Since being here I’ve been thrust into a deeper solitude than I had in UK because here I don’t have the beautiful countryside around me where we went daily to connect with nature and my many spirit allies there.

When you feel all alone and all these wonderful souls reach out to you, you realise that when you hit rock bottom there are people out there to break your fall.

That there are still genuinely caring people left on the world. It gives me hope, not just for me and my situation but for the human race as a whole.

Now my dilemma is do I stay or do I go?

Once Loui is healed I will decide but for now I’m just trying to get by each day as it comes.

Please hold us in your thoughts and hold the vision of Loui walking and healthy again.

Thank you. ❤



Chaga + Turkey Tail Tincture

New batch of Chaga + Turkey Tail Tincture, ready now.


50ml bottle X 2 – £18 including P+P (UK only)
30ml bottle X 1 (Sold)

Turkey Tail Mushroom Helps the Immune System to Fight Cancer while protecting healthy cells during Radiotherapy. Anti tumour, anti-inflammatory and antiviral it is used in Japan as a cancer treatment

Chaga mushroom is an immune boosting super food. It helps with stomach diseases, ulcers, intestinal worms, laxative, liver, heart ailments, anti oxidant and breaks down LDL Cholesterol.


A full information leaflet is provided with each bottle.

*not suitable for children, contains alcohol.

Contact me below with any enquiries.


