New Moon Blessings

Take time this New Moon to give thanks to the clearing away of heavy energies that the full moon brought, and to bring your focus on the New Moon energies.

Tune in to the vibration of rebirth, manifestation and abundance.  Write out a request of all your aspirations to the moon and the universal powers that be. Then burn it under the light of the moon, in gratitude for your prayers already being made manifest. 

As the smoke carries your message on the breeze, feel all attachment to the outcome drift away too.

Blow the remaining ash into the wind and know that it is already done.

Mitakuye Oyasin ❤

19 thoughts on “New Moon Blessings

  1. Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Sanctuary and commented:
    Thank You Maria for this wonderful New Moon Blessing and Amazing Music video.. The Song of the Butterfly.. ( I listened with earphones on, and it connects you to our Earth Mother )..

    I hope you go and visit Maria’s Beautiful Blog.
    Enjoy!! Love Sue

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